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Week 4// 14/10 - 20/10

Charlotte Gregory

We've got something new starting up on the blog from this week - Chloe Loader has just started her blog series on the RIBA Norman Foster Travelling Scholarship, which you can check out here!

In other news, OxArch gave us two great events earlier this week: Our guest for In Conversation With... this Tuesday was Neil Gillespie from Scottish architecture firm Reiach and Hall, who guided us through a poetic review of his work - our full review for the talk will be up soon! And on Wednesday, OxArch ran a joint tabletop social with The Guild, which by all accounts was loads of fun! We're looking forward to more exciting socials coming up in the weeks ahead.


Studio Update: Unit A: Run to the Hills

Our Studio Update this week comes from one of the Undergraduate design units: Unit A, whose brief this year is focused on the climate crisis and how it affects where we live.

Based in the soon-to-be-submerged village of Fairbourne, north Wales, students have been tasked with creating a debating chamber for an Extinction Rebellion-inspired citizens' assembly. Recently, a representative from Extinction Rebellion led a workshop on citizens' assemblies, where students discussed what such a thing could bring to the Fairbourne community and beyond.

This week, discussions have turned to form, materiality, and post-use function, and already there are a diverse variety of projects beginning to take shape. On Monday, students ran a mapping workshop examining Fairbourne as a community and as a place under threat from sea level rise, working together to create interactive maps of the area that will help the discussion of what Fairbourne should do next.


Want your work featured on the blog? Or know someone whose work is worth celebrating? Simply send us an email at with your submission! We look forward to hearing from you!



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