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Senses, Devices & People _ Urban Cache

Alexander Blackmore

Semester Concept

When people think architecture they envisage a physical connection to a place or site, dictating its genius loci. It is contemporary patterns formed from the everyday which begin to shift this paradigm, and place architecture in a world of virtual and invisible reality. It is this line of thought which positions the developed piece of architecture not in an external place but rather internally using our own body and in particular our minds as a context for design. Having such parameter begins to question the role of the architect and that of architecture - does architecture need to be physical or is it evolving into an invisible geometry which shapes how we use and interact with space?


Emerging out of a series of rigorous experiments and studies the final wearable is a tool which detects patterns of subconscious conditions and awaken through flash blindness. Flash blindness as a condition temporarily bleaches the eyes retina meaning it is not possible to focus upon objects within close range or afar. The recovery time varies from two to three minutes and it is within this timeframe where we rely on our long term intuition and focus on retrieving internal data rather than being informed by what is around us. In effect this device enables us to break out of a controlled society and access our values and core ethics which inform and dictate our use of space.

Patterns - Mapping

Using the body and in particular the mind as a site for exploration the system can be developed and designed as a vernacular to its context. The minds typical process of access, retrieve and action means the code incorporates a number of boolean values which become structural dependencies within the system. By this it is meant that when one fails the whole system has the ability to reset and return to its idle state.

Though the device is simple in principle the code supplied has far greater complexity. Unlike traditional and more common codes, the system relies on two loops rather than one. In doing so this separates the structure giving it a logic and provide stability. By embedding a series of nested loops within the main system, a failure to a single element means the system as a whole does not fail rather the element has the ability to rebuild and construct itself again through a set of dynamic parameters which construct an evolving stability.



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