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Mar 6, 20203 min read
Week 6// 02/03 - 08/03
It's hard to believe we're already at Week 6! Most undergrads have had their interim crits, and design projects are taking shape in every...

Feb 21, 20201 min read
Week 4// 17/02 - 23/02
This week has been a busy one (as usual!) with Unit G hosting their Northern:Lights Exhibition on Monday and OxArch's Post-Valentine's...

Jan 31, 20202 min read
Week 1// 27/01 - 02/02
Welcome back to Brookes! We hope you have all had an enjoyable holiday season, and have given yourselves some time off - now it's time to...

Nov 1, 20195 min read
Week 6// 28/10 - 01/11
We've reached the halfway point of the semester, which is both incredibly exciting and slightly scary - time seems to fly by so quickly!...

Oct 4, 20192 min read
Week 2// 30/09 - 6/10
Week 2 in the studio has been another busy one as everything is properly taking off! See what Zone 5 have been up to recently with our...

Sep 18, 20192 min read
Week 0// 16/09 - 22/09
Welcome back to another year at Oxford School of Architecture! And a warm welcome to all new students just starting out! We're so excited...

Apr 3, 20193 min read
Week 10// 01/04-07/04
At OSA we're moving towards working on the Annual X2. For everyone who's submitted an extract - don't forget that you have just less than...

Mar 27, 20194 min read
Week 09// 25/03-31/03
While the studios are incredibly busy this week, it's important not to forget the other things in your life. This is your reminder, for...

Feb 12, 20192 min read
Week 03// 11/02-17/02
It's really starting to get busy in studio this week, with new or developing projects taking off. OxArch's lecture series is well under...

Nov 21, 20182 min read
Week 09// 19/11-25/11
This week the studio has been very quiet without the undergraduate students, who are all away on field trips! Stay tuned for updates on...

Nov 6, 20184 min read
Week 07// 05/11-11/11
We're now at the half way point to Christmas - and isn't the term going by quickly! The first international field trips have returned,...

Oct 10, 20181 min read
Week 03// 08/10 - 14/10
With another hectic week gone by, there's been some great work produced in the studios! Here at OSA, we are beginning to receive...

Oct 3, 20183 min read
Week 02// 01/10 - 07/10
It's been a crazy week in studio, not so much a week of settling in but of hitting the ground running! Specialisations have kicked off...

Sep 24, 20184 min read
Week 01// 24/09 - 29/09
With Freshers Week over, it's the beginning of another year of architecture. Here at OSA Magazine, we hope that everyone is happy with...

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